Click the link above to apply online.
Before we review your application, please pay the $30 application fee using the link above or send your check or money order to:​
The Jaybird Learning Academy, Inc.
6403 Mustang Creek Rd.
Killeen, TX 76549
JLA staff will review your application. If it appears JLA is a good fit, we will contact you to set up an interview meeting.
The Jaybird Learning Academy is a day habilitation that provides programming for those with various intellectual disabilities. We focus on emphasizing skills needed for daily living and teaching how to succeed in a work environment.
The Jaybird Learning Academy Application
Click the link above to apply online.
JLA staff will review your application. If JLA appears to be a good fit, we will contact you to schedule an interview.
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday
JLA is open to adults (18 years and older) with special needs. We service those who....
Are emotionally healthly
Have cognitive and functional limitations
Can function in a group setting
Want to be more independent and has the eagerness to grow